Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Vitamin A and Multiple Scolorosis - 1385 Words

Vitamin A and Multiple Sclerosis There is countless research that widely associates vitamin D and vitamin A in possibly decreasing adverse effects of multiple sclerosis (MS). Although, vitamin A is not as popular in research as vitamin D it has shown in certain trials to be beneficial to patients suffering from MS, but more commonly there is a positive link to vitamin A in animal trials of treating experimental autoimmune encephalitis (EAE) the animal version of MS, . Vitamin A is a fat- soluble vitamin that can function in immunological responses as well as brain development. This vitamin is crucial for vision, gene transcription, and bone metabolism (7). Vitamin A may help in MS by lowering inflammation as well as increasing the†¦show more content†¦The results of the double blind randomized trial showed that there was no significant difference in those taking vitamin A from the placebo group, since values in lipid profiles and fasting profiles did not provide any justifiable evidence in vitamin A being b eneficial in MS. However, one surprising result came from the CRP values, or the inflammation marker, by showing an increase in the vitamin A group in comparison to the placebo group. Although, the increase was still in the normal range it was still an unexpected outcome from the study. Even though vitamin A’s effect on Th1 and Th2 cells had the possibility of improving effects of MS, the trial concluded that there was no clinical evidence to vitamin A’s role in minimizing the harmful effects of MS (2). A prospective study was conducted by the Nurses’ Health Study, which tested vitamin A intake in the risk of women. The results proved no support for dietary carotenoids such as alpha-carotene or beta-carotene in lowering the risk of MS in women (7). Even though this was one of the few large-scale studies-- comprising of 81, 683 women inspected throughout 12 years (7) -- the scientific data proved no association to a beneficial role of vitamin A intake to MS risk in women. Myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG) is the only protein expressed in the CNS, so its response to T-cells may be a factor in the etiology of MS (3). A double blind study was

Monday, December 23, 2019

Tackling Environmental Problems Today Is More Difficult

With the world forever changing politicians are chosen by the populace to make decisions based on the needs of the people. Current political gridlock in this nation has made it extremely difficult to pass legislation pertain to the economy, workforce and health. While these items are discussed daily by political pundits one issue that equally important is usually placed on the backburner due to political posturing the health of the planet. â€Å"Tackling environmental problems today is more difficult because the nature of the problems has changed: where such problems were once primarily scientific and technocratic in nature, they are now almost exclusively problems of politics†. (Turin) This posturing has become a major issue for society and could lead to dire consequences in the future. It is time for us to come together and address the issues of political influence, in order for us to have a meaningful conversation we must discussion the influence of special interest groups, understand how politicians manipulate and use false authority to push agendas and also discover the importance of citizen involvement. Lobbyists for special interest are hired to attempt â€Å"to try to convince congressional committee members to act in their favor on issues that were important to them†. (Wright, 45) This tactic is used on the state, local and federal levels of government, while not all lobbyist fight for causes that maybe harmful to the environment. Some special interest groups are designedShow MoreRelatedNuclear Power in Australia’s Energy Future Essays1099 Words   |  5 Pagesenergy generation. This subject is largely controversial as it has many pros and cons. 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Saturday, December 14, 2019

Wal-Mart Case Study Free Essays

In 2005, it created jobs for more than 1. 5 million people worldwide. In the United States this number is 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Wal-Mart Case Study or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 million. Every year, Wall- Mart distributes 2% gross national product in US with estimated $300 billion annual sales. After nearly a half of a century, it still follows Sam Walton philosophy to provide low price for customers every day (Stank Stank, 2009). In 2006, this organization has slipped to number two after a serious problem. This case study old show these unethical issues that Wall-Mart faced many years from 2001 to 2006, including off-the-clock work. Sexual discrimination, health benefits, union, and using illegal aliens and child labor. In 2000, the main unethical of Wall-Mart shows in this case is the â€Å"off-the-clock work† that the employees were enforced working overtime In the Wall-Mart stores. From 11 states In 2001 that was pending lawsuits against Wall-Mart the number of states had Increased even 28 after one year (Satanist Satanist, 2009). The store managers had required the employee check UT their time card, while they were working at night and locked inside the stores. Many emergencies happened without any help because the managers were not around to open the door. These Wall-Mart activities show that this organization is breaking the law when enforced Its employees working more time without any payment while the managers went out earlier. Sexual discrimination Is another unethical Issue that Wall-Mart faced in 2001. In fact, the percentage of male employees who were promoted to management is less than female employees. According to Satanist and Stank (2009), there are sixty-five percent women employees of the hourly worker, but women who stand on management position Just only thirty-three percent at Wall-Mart. Some employee claimed that, Wall-Mart gave these Job opportunities to men because the men had to feed their family, whereas women Just want to make some extra money (Stank Stank, 2009). There are clearly things that Wall-Mart were not fair with women who daily worked for this organization. This activity should be considered and adjusted to fit with the new situation. Wall-Mart was blamed that provided many policies reduce cost of health care. This corporation provided the health benefit programs for its employee, but somehow many employees cannot pay or payable but less benefit. Normally, all companies In the united States spend average $ 5,646 per user for health care than the average rate (Satanist Satanist, 2009). This is considered unethical issue in Wall-Mart when this organization is largest retailer in the world. In addition, Wall- Mart has used states health benefits program to instead its own payment; it was not responsible action of a big corporation. Many employees and their family could not allow Wall-Mart’s health care program, they return to Medicaid – a state’s health care program. Marshland’s law stated that the company had to pay at least 8 percent of payroll costs per user health insurance, nor the difference amount actual pair and percentage must be passed to Marshland’s Medicaid fund (Satanist Satanist, 2009). Wall-Mart had changed its health care policy and reported increasing the percentage up to 8 percent, however, only 47. 5% employees can approach Wall-Mart’s health care insurance (Satanist Satanist, 2009). Keep the labor cost as low as possible seem tick with its philosophy â€Å"everyday low prices† because if the labor cost increase that means this philosophy would no longer right. That also was the problem that Wall- Mart faced in globalization. That is why Wall-Mart disbanded the meat department and nearly 180 other stores when the employees became unionized (Satanist Satanist, 2009). In fact, if employees become a member of a union, they would get a lot of support from this community to fight for their right benefits. However, Wall-Mart had to allow unions in protected of China government because if they not allow they old lose a lot of resources such as: material, merchandise, low labor cost, and series of suppliers, etc. Other issues at Wall-Mart stores are using illegal aliens working for the company. Although Wall-Mart knows exactly if it uses these employees they are against the law. However, Wall-Mart has continued to hire illegal aliens from the outside employment agency for cleaning. This company has agreed to charge for this issue $11 million, four times higher than normal charge by another corporation (Satanist Satanist, 2009). Wall-Mart used child labors and violated child labor laws. The result of the audit showed that Wall-Mart used employees under eighteen years old for working at night, on school hour, and more than 8 hours per day (Satanist Satanist, 2009). Not at all, this company also used child labor in the dangerous Job such as: chain saw and cardboard balers. Once again, Wall-Mart has broken the law in many states. In 2005, the International Labor Rights Fund filed a lawsuit against Wall-Mart with series of violating labor laws in five countries: Swaziland, Indonesia, China, Bangladesh, and Nicaragua (Satanist Satanist, 2009). The violations include irking overtime without payment, preventing any effort to have a union, and locked in working time. The major reason that making Wall-Mart supplier broken the laws is Wall-Mart was not enforcing the company’s code of conduct with its suppliers (Satanist Satanist, 2009). After a series of unethical issues during few years, Wall- Mart shows that it is still the big company where it provided the cooperation to repair and troubleshoot its problems quickly. Wall-Mart has acknowledged its issues and step-by-step solve them making ethical decisions, changing management methods, ND charging for all people who directly impacted. In conclusion, responsibilities of the big corporation should always do the right thing, and fixes every issue ethically to making the better reputation. The discuss questions that more clearly about this case study: 1 . Are the ethical issues Wall-Mart faces really any different from other large retailers? The largest retailer faces this these ethical issues that means many target for any concern and naturally the ethical issues become a sensitive problem. In additional, Wall-Mart cannot hire its problem, because of million employees who irking on thousands of stores. Wall-Mart might be a good case study for other corporations who are facing ethical issues. 2. Wall-Mart officials have stated that they don’t feel women are interested in management positions at the company. Do you agree or disagree? I disagree with this point of Wall-Mart. Women are much more holding the key position in the company. It shows a fact that women also do the same things as much as men can do. I do not see any reason to reject the opportunity to offer the management positions of women at work. The world is changing, women as no longer Just take care their family, they also are great people in the business. . Wall-Mart is continually criticized for its health-care policy. Is this really an ethical issue? Why or why not? This is considered unethical issue in Wall-Mart because the health cares that Wall-Mart provides to their employees are not fitted with a world- class company. In additional, Wall-Mart has used states health benefits program to instead its own payme nt; it was not responsible action off big corporation. Many employees and their family could not follow Wall-Mart’s health care program, they turn to Medicaid – a state’s health care program. Billion of revenue that the company could get is based on its employee’s distribution. Pay more money for health care also kind of investment, and I guessed that the return of this is greater than the profit, including loyalty, employees’ effort, and good company’s image. 4. Should Wall-Mart be concerned about unionization of stores since allowing unionization of workers in China? The major reason the make Wall-Mart allow unionizing in China not start from its expectation. However, this is a good signal for a ewe revolution in many Wall-Mart stores worldwide. In America, if any store starts to form a union the store could face many problems from Wall-Mart managers. This would change because of no former union are not fair for United States employees. The union would keep fighting the employee’s right benefit. On the other hand, my opinion, United States government should protect the union like China government that also protects the American labors. Reference Satanist, P. A. , Satanist, S. D. (2009). Understanding business ethics (1st deed. ). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. How to cite Wal-Mart Case Study, Free Case study samples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Margin Case Of Certain Good And Industries â€Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Margin Case Of Certain Good And Industries? Answer: Introduction Business is not a static entity as it goes on changing its operations and behavior according to the need of the system. it changes its policy such as pricing policy, management policy and others to increase the sale of the business and earn maximum revenue. However, while formulating the policy the business requires to analyze the effect on various types of goods it supplies in the market and he perception of the consumer regarding the goods. The profit of an organization differs according to the demand for its products in the marketing. On the other hand, the demand for the product depends on its price as well as other factors. The report discusses the effect of price drop on the demand for various products and its effect on the profit of the organization. It further compares whether a drop in price has same effect on various kinds goods and industry. Interpretation and analysis of Literature Previous literature has given an argumentative discussion about the effect of price drop on the demand of the product and in turn on the total profit of the business. Here are literatures that show that a drop in price need not necessarily increase demand for the product and profit of the firm. According to Hill et al. (2017), a decrease in the price of the product does leads to increase in demand for the product for a short period. This is because slowly in the end, other competitor industry will adjust their product prices and the demand for the product is spread which lowers the sale volume. Thus, in other words it has been stated that with a drop in prices a company will make profit in the short run and its profit margin decreases in the long run. However, it has be further argued by Chen et al. (2017) it is not always necessary that a fall in price for goods will increase the demand for the product and profit for the firm. This is because a market is affected by various factors and variable and in order to estimate the effect of price change in the market it is necessary to analyze the market trend and reaction of the market. Timpson (2017) has put forward similar discussion that fall in price does not always mean that there will be an increase in profit. This is because sometimes a fall in price reduces the value of the product conceived in the mind of the consumers causing a decrease in price rather than demand. However, Maverick (2014) has argued that a decrease in price always means an increase in the profit and sale of the business. The author stated this condition to be true on the condition that market variables are steady. Analyzing the Application of General Principle to Luxury Goods According to the general principle of demand, it is stated that with a fall in price of the good the demand for that good rises in the market. This is turn increase the profit margin of an organization (Mankiw 2014). However, it is seen that there are various good in the market and the importance of those goods to type consumers differ for various factors. The goods preset in the market are luxury goods, Giffen goods, necessity goods, inferior goods and other. The effect on demand due to fall in price differs for these goods. For instance, luxury goods are goods that are consumed by the people as a symbol of status and richness. It is not a necessity for the consumers and hence a fall in price of such good will not affect its demand largely. An example of luxury goods is diamond jewelry that is wore by the consumers to show their status and class. Thus, a decrease in price of diamond jewelry will not encourage people to buy more of that jewelry (Reis 2015). The consumers that wear di amonds will still prefer it even at a high price. This proves that demand for luxury goods does not change with a change in price. Hence, it is seen that for organization selling luxury good, the profit margin does not change even with a drop in prices. This also supports he arguments put forward by Timpson (2017) regarding the conceived value of the goods by the consumers. Application of General Principle Different Goods The law of demand can also be applied on various goods such as Giffen goods, necessity good, substitute goods and normal goods. For Giffen good the law of demand does not apply as it is considered as one of the exception to the law of demand. Giffen good are goods for which the demand falls with a fall in price. This is because Giffen goods are inferior quality goods and are mostly consumed by lower income group people. Thus with a fall in price of these goods, the consumers shifts their demand for some better kinds of goods that has become affordable now (Landi 2015). Thus, for such goods the profit does not increases with a fall in prices. On the other hand, necessity goods are goods without which the consumer cannot think their life. Thus, a fall in prices does not have any effect on the demand for such goods. This is because with a fall in price the consumers accounting consume more of such goods even if it is a necessity. For example, medicine is an example of necessity goods an d thus, medicine business does not enjoy much increase in profit with a drop in price. However, only in case of normal good a business can make profit with an increase in demand due to a fall in price. An example of such goods is clothes, shoes and others. however, there are other factors such as market trend that does reduces the profit margin of such goods to some extent. Application of General Principle on Different Industries The increase in demand for goods with a fall in price also differs across various industries. This is because with a fall in price of some branded company or industry makes the consumer lower the value of their products and thus reducing the demand further (Timpson 2017). For example, most of companies in sport industry are branded and a fall in prices of their products makes the consumers feel that they have lowered the quality of shoes they manufacture. Thus, consumers are forced to cut down the demand for the shoes manufactured by shoes companies. On the other hand, a decrease in price of grocery industry does increase the demand for such goods because people tend to buy more and store it for longer period and causing an increase in profit margin of such industry. This shows that the change in demand with a fall in prices also differs according to the type of industry the company is engaged in. this difference also depends on the thinking of consumers regarding such goods and thei r relation with the price. Moreover, the industry having large number of substitute of its good will not receive an increase in profit for a longer time from a fall in its price as there are competitors that will slowly adjust their prices in the market. For branded goods, consumers have a different mindset and for grocery goods, they have a different mindset causing the differences in demand and profit margin. Differences in Theory Application between Consumer and Business The theory of law of demand applies differently between the consumers and the business. This is because a good for which the consumer thinks is a necessity good and it will not change its demand depending on the price. For the same good, the business might think that a fall in the price of its goods might increase the demand and profit margin. Thus, differences in the application of theory between both the entities are influenced by the perception of the consumers and the businesspersons. Moreover, the differences also arise due to lack of information transfer between the consumers and the producers. a fully informed producer can easily trace the need of the consumer, their trend and the trend of their competitors and work accordingly for earning more profit by decreasing price. Conclusion From the above discussion, it can be deduced that the effect of fall in price and increase in demand on the profit margin of a company depends on various factors such as the type of goods, time span, competitors and the substitute o the goods in the market. Moreover, it also differs according to the information the consumers and the producers conceive about each other in the economy. Thus, from the comparative advantage it is seen that a fall in price does increase the profit of the business that produce normal good and has less number of substitute in the market. However, it is true for some goods and does not apply in goods such as Giffen goods and inferior goods. References Chen, Y., Eshleman, J.D. and Soileau, J.S., 2016. Business Strategy and Auditor Reporting.Auditing: A Journal of Practice Theory,36(2), pp.63-86. Hill, C. W., Schilling, M. A., Jones, G. R. 2017. Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, Theory Cases. Boston, USA: Cengage Learning. 21, pp 186-191 Landi, M., 2015. A class of symmetric and quadratic utility functions generating Giffen demand.Mathematical Social Sciences,73, pp.50-54. Mankiw, N.G., 2014.Essentials of economics. Cengage learning. Maverick, J. 2014. For a company, is it more important to lower costs or increase revenue? Available at: https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/122214/company-it-more-important-lower-costs-or-increase-revenue.asp [15 September 2017]. Reis, E., 2015. Influencing factors on consumer buying bahaviour of luxury goods: a research on the buying behaviour of young consumers in Finland. Timpson, T. 2017. Cutting prices works sometimes, but it is the lazy way to increase sales. The Telegraph. [e-journal]. Available at: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/connect/small-business/cutting-prices-is-the-lazy-way-to-increase-sales/ [15 September 2017].

Friday, November 29, 2019

Augusto Boal essays

Augusto Boal essays In the 1992 council elections in Rio de Janeiro a first time candidate with the Workers Party succeeded in being elected. His name was Augusto Boal, a theatre practitioner dedicated to empowering societys oppressed, and his selection marked the beginning of an experiment to fuse theatre and politics in a way that was previously unexplored. Boal is most famous for his book, Theatre of the Oppressed, in which he outlines his belief that conventional theatre reinforces the political ideologies which have created a society of extremes, in which the rich get richer and the poor poorer. His election, therefore, was a chance to make theatre as politics instead of simply making political theatre and provided the opportunity for the people of Rio de Janeiro to directly affect the legislative process. However, some detractors have suggested that this latest development directly contradicts the philosophical, political and theatrical theories that Boal professes as fundamental to his work. T hey claim that his initial mantra that theatre is a rehearsal for revolution has been replaced by a process of acceptance, of making-do in a corrupt and unequal political system. As Ben Kershaw, in his review of Legislative Theatre, states the practices of Legislative Theatre may even be seen by some as a capitulation to the very forces of oppression that the theatre of the oppressed originally hoped to vanquish. Fundamental to any analysis of Legislative Theatre is an understanding of the political and philosophical ideologies that underpin Boals work. As he outlines in the foreword to Theatre of the Oppressed all theatre is necessarily political and thus all theatrical audiences must be politically engaged. He delineates how initially theatre was entirely of the people; it was synonymous with the carnival and the festival, with singing and dancing on the street....

Monday, November 25, 2019

Quotes to Inspire Educators

Quotes to Inspire Educators Teaching can be a tough profession, and educators might need a little inspiration to find motivation for that next class or lesson or even just to keep going. Plenty of philosophers, writers, poets, and teachers have provided pithy sayings about this noble profession over the centuries. Peruse some of these thoughts about education and be inspired. Inspiration A teacher who is attempting to teach without inspiring the pupil with a desire to learn is hammering on a cold iron. - Horace Mann Mann, an early-19th-century educator, wrote numerous books on the profession, including On the Art of Teaching, which was published in 1840 but is still relevant today. A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectations. - Patricia Neal Neal, an Oscar-winning actress who died in 2010, was likely referring to movie directors, who can either act like masters dictating what they want their actors to do or motivate their thespians through inspiration and teaching. The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward One of Americas most quoted writers of inspirational maxims, according to Wikipedia, Ward offered many other thoughts about education, such as this one listed by azquotes: The adventure of life is to learn. The purpose of life is to grow. The nature of life is to change. The challenge of life is to overcome.    Conveying Knowledge I cannot teach anybody anything, I can only make them think. - Socrates Arguably the most famous Greek philosopher, Socrates  developed the Socratic method, where he would throw out a string of questions that sparked critical thinking. The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery. - Mark Van Doren A 20th-century writer and poet, Van Doren would have known a thing or two about education: He was an English professor at Columbia University for nearly 40 years. Knowledge is of two kinds. We know a subject ourselves, or we know where we can find information upon it. - Samuel Johnson Its not surprising that Johnson would have commented on the value of looking up information. He wrote and published A Dictionary of the English Language in 1755, one of the first and most important English-language dictionaries. The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. - Carl Rogers A giant in his field, Rogers was the founder of the humanistic approach to psychology, based on the principle that to grow, a person needs an environment that provides genuineness, acceptance, and empathy, according to SimplyPsychology. The Noble Profession Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great equalizer of the conditions of man... - Horace Mann Mann, the 19th-century educator, warrants a second quote on this list  because his thoughts are so telling. The notion of education as a social tool- an equalizer that cuts through all socioeconomic levels- is a major tenet of American public education. If you would thoroughly know anything, teach it to others. - Tryon Edwards Edwards, a 19th-century theologian, offered this concept that applies equally to teachers and students. If you really want your students to show they understand the material, teach it to them first, and then have them teach it back to you. A teacher is one who makes himself progressively unnecessary. - Thomas Carruthers An expert on international democracy who has taught at several universities in the United States and Europe, Carruthers is referring to one of the hardest things for a teacher to do: let go. Educating students to the point where they no longer need you is one of the highest achievements in the profession. Miscellaneous Thoughts When a teacher calls a boy by his entire name, it means trouble. - Mark Twain Of course the famous 19th-century American writer and humorist had something to say about education. After all, he was the author of classic stories about the countrys two most famous fictional mischief makers: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn  and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Good teaching is one-fourth preparation and three-fourths theater. - Gail Godwin An American novelist, Godwin took her inspiration for this quote from inventor Thomas Edison, who said, Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration. If you think education is expensive, try ignorance. - Derek Bok A former president of Harvard University, where obtaining a degree can cost more than $60,000 a year, Bok makes the convincing case that forgoing education can be far more costly in the long run. â€Å"If youre not prepared to be wrong, youll never come up with anything original.† - Ken Robinson Sir Ken Robinson frequents the TED TALK circuit, discussing how schools must change if educators are to meet the needs of the future. Often funny, he  sometimes refers to education as a death valley  that we must change in order to instill a climate of possibility in our youth.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

All models are wrong; some models are useful Essay

All models are wrong; some models are useful - Essay Example Mathematical models are therefore very useful because Mathematics itself is an abstract language; enables us to make the representation numerically and visually, and offers powerful tools and techniques for quantitative analysis and forecasting. Usually, this involves defining constants, assigning variables, and forming structures such as functions, equations, diagrams, graphs etc. that establish the relationships between the various quantities. For example, car journeys, traffic patterns, and airline routes can all be modeled using matrices. However, despite the aforementioned features of mathematical modeling, it has limitations too. The most fundamental perhaps is the trade-off between simplicity and accuracy of the model. Usually, more complex models tend to improve its accuracy but at the same time of course make it more complicated to handle, which could also mean greater cost and required time. Therefore, when deciding which model to choose, the level of accuracy required balanced against need and the available resources is the most important consideration. If more than one different model is able to forecast with equal predictive accuracy, the Occam’s Razor principle suggests choosing the simplest model. With regards to forecasting, mathematical models can often be tested for accuracy using empirical or experimental data. If it is able to describe this accurately, it can then be used for forecasting purposes, for which several methods exist. These include moving averages, exponential smoothing, techniques for extrapolating time series with tend and seasonal components, and regression models. In all of these however, there are gaps between the complexity of the real world and the simplicity of these abstract models. The model’s true usefulness would then be tested if the extrapolation to other or future data or situations proves successful. Time series and forecasting is one of

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Way to Improve Social Inequality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Way to Improve Social Inequality - Essay Example The common racial problem exists between the ‘white’ and the ‘black’ people. This emanated from the fact that long time ago African people were slaves in the United States. In the old times, African people could not go to the same schools with the white people and everything had to be separated between the two races. Although slavery was abolished, the issues that developed from it still exist in today’s society. Bearing in mind that the skin color is still different, the problem persists. This is because there are some white people who still hold the belief that they are better as compared to the black people. There are good examples from the video that we watched in class; one of them is about the demonstration of racism. The purpose of this demonstration was to let people understand the feeling of being racially profiled and being treated unequally. We all live in the same planet. People should therefore respect each other regardless of place of or igin or skin color. The problem of racism also leads to violence in various societal settings such as schools and homes. In recent years, cases related to violence at home or in school have increased significantly. Why is violence increasing each year? The main reason is that people have different cultures and backgrounds. Some examples include that conservative traditionalists may think they have the right to control women and that women are not equal to men. Children may be influenced by their parents. Here, children who witness or are victims of violence may learn to believe that violence is the only way to resolve conflicts between people. The video that we watched in class was about Cape Town; in this town, there are many gangsters mostly comprised of teenagers. One of the people interviewed in the video was a victim of violence. Due to family issues, the victim ran away from home and joined the clan to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Politics of Japans Constitutional Reform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Politics of Japans Constitutional Reform - Essay Example Meanwhile the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ), the leading opposition party, is also developing a constitutional revision proposal. While one considers that the postwar constitution has never been amended, the historical significance of these developments is inevitable. This progress among the country's leading parties comes from the fact of nearly a decade of public opinion surveys which shows that majority of the citizens of Japan are in favor in changing their constitution. Taking into consideration these recent developments, Watanabe Osamu, a Hitotsubashi University professor who closely follows constitutional politics, declares: "Constitutional revision has now been placed on the political calendar for the first time in the postwar era."1 Although the contemporary revision debate includes controversial issues such as the role of the emperor, the reorganization of local government, the separation of powers, and the basic rights of citizens, one passage in particular continues to cast a shadow over the entire enterprise: Article Nine, the famous "peace clause" renouncing the possession and use of force for settling international disputes which for the longest time had been the primary target of revisionist fervor. Article Nine was at the center of the first serious revision debate in the 1950s and controversies arising from its treatment helped to stir up the contemporary revision movement in the 1990s. There are numerous reasons why many constitutional reformists have long sought to change Article Nine. For some, it serves as an obstruction to the recognition of the nation's sovereignty. This idea comes from the fact that the postwar constitution was drafted under the U.S. occupation, and Article Nine, whatever its accurate origins are, was one of the three nonnegotiable demands by General Douglas Macarthur imposed on the Japanese after the wars. Thus, it is not a surprise that reformists frequently qualify Article Nine as an adjective of "U.S.-imposed." While for others on the other hand, the peace clause is a hindrance to national muscularity. As stated in the article, elucidations of the article's sweeping language have placed limitations on Japan's military and its capability to use force in foreign affairs. Every now and then these constraints have complicated Japan's relationship with its lone coalition partner, the United States, as well as efforts to increase Japanese influ ence in the United Nations. Lastly, there are some who favor revision because they see Article Nine as a barrier to the honesty of the nation as a whole. Following major reinterpretations in the early 1950s, Article Nine has been continuously parsed in ways both large and small as the domestic and international political landscapes have shifted. Consequently, it may be argued, Japanese security policy no longer mirrors a stern interpretation of the peace clause, and the constitution should thus be brought into line with reality. These arguments are not new. In fact, reformists have advanced various versions since the 1950s which raises two important questions. First, why has Article Nine survived so long without amendment Second, why has the Article Nine issue returned to the political agenda with such force in recent years Interpretation of Article Nine Article Nine is a political manifesto that serves as a declaration of general principle confining state action. In this sense, it is similar to

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Zea Mays Mendelian Inheritance Pattern

Zea Mays Mendelian Inheritance Pattern Mendelian Genetics Rough Draft Hypothesis I (Theory of Segregation) At anaphase I of meiosis, gamete formation causes a separation of alleles in a diploid organism. When the chromosomes separate each individual will receive an equal chance of inheriting a dominant or recessive allele from the mother or father. Because an albino and green offspring were observed within the same generation, the parents must be heterozygous since two recessive alleles must be inherited by the offspring to express a recessive albino trait following Mendels 3:1 (green: albino) ratio. Hypothesis II (Theory of Independent Assortment) During metaphase I of meiosis, the allele pairs of different genes will independently segregate from each other during the formation of gametes. The inheritance of an allele is independent of other pairs of alleles due to random alignment of chromosomes. Because there were two heterozygous plants for both height and color and were crossed, their offspring will follow Mendels ratio of 9:3:3:1. Materials Methods Obtaining and Maintaining Corn To assess the inheritance patterns of Zea Mays (corn plants) that contain chlorophyll and no chlorophyll and whether the phenotypes height is normal or dwarf in green or albino plants, the study was conducted at Pacific Lutheran Universitys Carol Sheffels Quigg Greenhouse. The trays of corn plants were monitored under artificial lights, controlled temperature, and watered by a student worker for approximately two weeks. Determining Green vs. Albino Seven trays of monohybrid corn plants were observed, and the height and color were used to describe the plants phenotype. Determining Normal vs. Dwarf Green vs. Albino Five trays of dihybrid corn plants were observed to distinguish between green and albino from normal and dwarf. For the dihybrid cross, they were observed using the inheritance of two genes, color, and height. The normal green height plants are dominant presented themselves as tall, spread out, and leaves were narrower, whereas the albino normal height plants are recessive and were portrayed as thin, lack of chlorophyll, and were wrinkly. The green dwarf plants had chlorophyll and were shorter, whereas the albino dwarf plants displayed a wrinkled texture and brown leaves. If some of the corn plants displayed brown or died over the course, they were omitted from this experiment. Data Analysis Determining the phenotypic ratio of the dihybrid cross, of the normal green height as well as green-dwarf, albino-normal height, and albino-dwarf seedlings, their predicted frequencies were determined using a Punnet square to calculate the possible genotypes and albino offspring to be present. Once these were determined, they were computed to conclude the frequencies for the monohybrid and dihybrid cross through a Chi2 test to get the expected and observed values. Results Table 1: Compares heterozygous seedlings that display the predicted number of green (G) and albino (W) when observing the phenotypic traits of chlorophyll and non-chlorophyll plants by Mendels first law of Segregation, (N=424) Zea Mays. Phenotype Predicted # of offspring Observed # of offspring G (chlorophyll) 318 354 W (non-chlorophyll) 106 70 The observed values were close to the phenotype prediction in the monohybrid cross, 75% displayed a dominant trait, and 25% a recessive trait. The expected and observed, (X2= 12, df = 1, p > 0.05), were not statistically significant. Table 2: Compares the predicted and observed phenotypes of green normal and dwarf height and albino normal and dwarf height offspring phenotypes as predicted by Mendels Theory of Independent Assortment to the number of observed phenotypes. Phenotype Predicted # of offspring Observed # of offspring Green / Normal Green / Dwarf Albino / Normal 152 51 51 151 71 15 Albino / Dwarf 16 34 Observed traits of normal vs. dwarf green plants and albino plants, the phenotypic frequencies expected value did not follow Mendels ratio of 9:3:3:1. The observed values, (X2 = 53.5, df = 3, p Conclusions   Ã‚   Our study supports the Mendelian inheritance pattern of Zea Mays that both the parent strains on the monohybrid cross (Table 1) were heterozygous. The expected and observed, (X2= 12, df = 1, p > 0.05), were statistically significant with Mendels first law of segregation expressing green or albino following the phenotype ratio of 3:1. Whereas, the parent strains on the dihybrid cross (Table 2) the observed values for the albino normal and albino dwarf (X2 = 53.5, df = 3, p

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Sociology of Racial and Cultural Groups Essay -- Sociology and Race

Three sociological perspectives used in the study of minorities are: Structural functionalism, symbolic interactionalism and conflict theory. These perspectives offer "theoretical paradigms" for explaining how society influences people, taking into account the social factors that impact on human behavior. However, different theories, ideas, and prejudices can influence a sociologist's conclusions. Each of these theories has a contribution to make with a distinct focus. Functional theory was influenced by Emile Durkheim. Adherents of this theory emphasize, "Various parts of society have functions or positive effects that promote solidarity and maintain the stability of the whole." (Parrillo 11) Thus a society is held together by "social consensus," or cohesion whereby members of the society agree upon and work together to achieve what is best for society as a whole. The social structure consists of status positions, roles and institutions (family, education and religion), and members that share common values. It is a system of interrelated and independent parts, and each of these parts plays an important role in fulfilling certain functions for a smooth operation of society. Functionalists think that all elements of society should function together to maintain order and stability, and under ideal conditions, a society would be in a state of balance with all parts interacting harmoniously. Problems come about when the social system is no longer functional offsetting society's balance. . The most frequent cause for this disorganization is rapid social change, which causes conflicts. Because the focus is on societal stability an important issue in this analysis of societal disorganization is `whether to restore the ... ...to attain socioeconomic growth, educational and job opportunities, and also maintain ethnic solidarity. Alba and Nee indicate that we will have a better understanding of ethnic and racial differences if we refine the assimilation theory to address differences in settlement, language acquisition, and mobility patterns. REFERENCES Janzen, Rod. "Melting Pot or Mosaic." Educational Leadership 79:9-11 Ruane, Janet M. and Karen A. Cerulo. 1997. " Education is the Great Equalizer." Pp156-162 in Seeing Conventional Wisdom through the Sociological Eye. California. Pine Forge Press. Parrillo, Vincent J. 2003. Strangers to These Shores. New York: Allyn and Bacon. Dzgourides, George and Christeie S. Zgourides. 2012. Cliffs Quick Review Sociology New York. IDG Books Worldwide Inc. Samuelson, Robert J. 2014 "Can America Assimilate." Time, April 9, pp42

Monday, November 11, 2019

Health Lesson Plan Life, Loss, and Relationships

Teacher pacing will vary depending upon the students' ability to grasp the material. Repeat, rephrase, and review material to ensure student comprehension. Teachers must be motivating and enthusiastic. Students respond well to verbal praise and your enthusiasm. Teachers must use firm and consistent behavior management techniques. Make sure that students are seated in their assigned seats. Group C seating chart is posted on the wall as you enter the door. (right hand side of the door) Students explored interpersonal relationships in their 7th grade Health class (developing and maintaining).Currently in their Language Arts class, students are exploring the topics of loss and interpersonal relationships. During this exploration they have read/ viewed/discussed: the novels Tuck Everlasting, by Natalie Bait and Bridge to Terrestrial, by Katherine Paterson, several short stories from the text Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, by Jack Canfield, and the film The Last Lecture, by Randy Bausc h. Today's lesson will be an interdisciplinary presentation that will encompass the material that they have studied in their Language Arts class.Therefore, students will build upon prior knowledge of loss and interpersonal relationships that they aimed in their 7th grade Health class and current 8th grade Language Arts class. In their Language Arts class, several of the students discussed their experience with the death off relative, friend, or pet, and the impact of this loss on their life. Those students who have not personally experienced the death of a person have exposure based upon the impact of a death in a movie or book, or of a TV character.Today's lesson will require them to examine other types of losses they have experienced which were not related to death, as well as the impact of these losses upon their relationships and lives. The students will examine the concept of loss of the assumptive world today and share emotions that are associated with loss. This lesson lays t he foundation for an in-depth week of the examination of loss and leads into the suicide prevention and bullying units.As such, teachers must be prepared to address sensitive personal issues, as well as make the appropriate referrals to the guidance department regarding potential or current student concerns/ apprehensions. Observe students closely while you are presenting the lesson and allow students that appear overwhelmed due to a recent death, to leave the room. These students may report to the guidance office. The guidance counselors are aware of this possible situation and are available to assist students.The class consists of 25 students and reflect the following demographics: 15 girls ( 5 girls have PEPS) 10 boys (3 boys have Peps) 2 students with Autism (Mary and Jack) Mary and Jack may need you to re-explain information and directions. They both have limited comprehension but are capable of completing exercises with assistance. Ask them to repeat the directions and summari ze the material after you review it with them. Check to make sure that they are completing the exercises correctly. 2 students with ADD (Tom and Jim) Make sure these students are seated in their assigned seats at the front of the room.Give each student a stress ball to hold during the class lecture and activities. (They should not play with the ball and they will return it before leaving. ) Also, allow them to pass out or collect papers and materials when possible. Being a helper is an affective incentive for helping them to stay focused on the lesson. This also gives them an opportunity to move around in an orderly fashion. However, they will do well even if that don't have many opportunities to move. Just make sure that they are seated in their assigned seats and have their stress balls. Student who is a diabetic can) Jan may request to visit the health room. Please allow her to leave immediately. Upon returning to the class, Jan should work on the current class work. Missed assig nments can be made up before the period ends or during the next class period. Remind Jan that she may also complete work in the Special Education office during her lunch period or after school. 1 student with limited writing ability (Alice) Allow Alice to type BPCS, Ecru, and essays on the computer. Make sure that he receives the modified worksheet and class notes that are labeled with her name for other class assignments. For some assignments, such as group work, Alice will not require a modified worksheet. She will not be the designated writer for the group activity. She is an excellent speaker, and will serve as the group presenter. Check to make sure that she performs this role in the group, when appropriate. 1 student who has a Behavior Intervention Plan(Blip) (Sam) Sam will often become bored and/or non-compliant and throw items on the floor. Give him a verbal warning if he exhibits this behavior. He is a very intelligent young ND is capable of performing the assignments witho ut exhibiting this kind man of behavior.In accordance with his BPI, if he continues to exhibit inappropriate behavior or is non- complaint after the verbal warning, send him to the main office immediately. Also, make sure that he is handling the art supplies appropriately. Review the accommodations folders. Give students the opportunity to access accommodations noted on their Peps. If the student does not want to utilize their accommodation, allow them to complete the assignment in class. Please document this information. Goals, Objectives, Key Focus Questions Goal(s): MASC. 1. : Students will demonstrate the ability to use mental and emotional health knowledge, skills, and strategies to enhance wellness. FPS HE. 800. 10: Students will gain knowledge and skills that lead to an understanding of self and one's relationships with others. FPS HE 800. 10. 01: Students will explore ways to express emotions. Objective(s): Students will be able to (SWABS): Describe how feelings and behavior affect and are affected by interpersonal relationships. Discuss the impact of rejection, separation , or loss of friends or family members, Discuss the impact of the loss of personal belongings and dreams.Identify appropriate methods for self-expression Key Focus Question(s): (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? 4 What happens as a result of these losses? (How does your life change? ) 5. How do teenagers cope with the losses that they experience? (What do you do or don't do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Materials and Resources (Should be high quality, scientifically-based; meaningful technology use) Materials/ Resources: I Wish I Could Work Sheet Health and Loss Packet: Assumptive World Graphic Organizer (Com pleted Handout) Tuck Everlasting Graphic Organizers (2) Teenagers and Loss Graphic Organizer Teens Talk: Letter to the Editor (Group Activity) Teens Talk : Suggestion/Note Sheet (Independent) Teen Time Enrichment Activities Teen Time: Last Words to My Best Friend (Homework Assignment) Teen Loss Exit Pass Life and Loss: a guide to help grieving children by Linda Goldman (Teacher Resource)Living through loss; Interventions across the life span by R. Homonym and B. J. Kramer (Teacher Resource) Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Bait Bridge to Terrestrial by Katherine Patterson Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul by Jack Canfield The Last Lecture (movie) by Randy Bausch Art Supplies (Poster paper, construction paper, markers, colored pencils, scissors, rulers, and glue) Technology: Computer/Screen (Teacher) Computers (Enrichment Activities) 1 Lap Top Computer (for Alice) LESSON ACTIVITY Instructional Delivery Notes regarding â€Å"Groupings† (Group C- 5 separate Group CSS, numbered 1-5) 1 .Group C- Cooperative Learning Groups Students are evenly dispersed based upon their abilities. They enjoy working in their assigned groups. Students are cooperative, supporting of each group member, and usually on task during each activity. At the end of the activities, the class will vote to select group awards that are based upon cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect. Teachers will also participate in the voting process. Each group receives a prize (first through fifth). Students enjoy this incentive and work hard to receive 1st place.Prizes are raying amounts of free computer time for each group member or one homework pass for each group member. This selection will be made at the end of this weeks lessons. 2. We use this grouping frequently and students are aware of their assigned seats. 3. A seating chart is posted on the side wall (as you enter the room) which includes each student's picture above their name. Also, students have a lis t of groupings. 4. With the exception of Jan and Jack, our students with autism, the six students listed in the class demographic notes (Mary, Jack, Tom, Jim, Alice, and different groups. Sam), are in 5.Both Jan and Jack, our students with autism, are in the same group. Prior to this activity, they worked with the speech pathologist and gained an understanding of the concepts of death and loss. Continue to monitor their understanding, but they should be able to participate in today's exercises with minimal assistance. Therefore, please do not enable them. Warm-up/Engagement: The teacher will greet the students as they enter the room, and hand them the â€Å"l Wish I Could Worksheet†. The teacher will instruct the students to complete this worksheet independently and to seat in their Group C assigned seats. These erections are also written on the front board. ) â€Å"l Wish I Could† (Worksheet) Complete prompt 1 or prompt 2. You can state your true feelings. You will no t be required to share your answer with the class. Prompt #1: The alarm clock Just went off. Oh no, it's good old Monday morning, back to school. I wish I could Prompt #2: I keep trying to explain to everyone what's going on, but no one is listening. They Just keep telling me what they think, what they feel, and what I should do. Does anyone even care what I think, how I feel, or what I want to do? After 5 minutes, collect the warm-ups.One of the teachers should review the warm-ups. When appropriate, make student referrals to Guidance/Special Education Departments or parent contacts. Instructional Delivery: Direct Instruction 1. Introduce today's lesson: Inform the students that: Today we will examine the affect of loss on our behaviors, interpersonal relationships, dreams, and life. We will also discuss ways that we can express our feelings about loss that is both comfortable and appropriate for teenagers. If you begin to feel overwhelmed as we continue our discussions, please tell one of your teachers.Now, I know that you have discussed the topic of loss that is related to death in your Language Arts classes, but there are other types of losses that you experience and I believe that we don't usually take the time to examine these losses. Each of you read short stories from the book, Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul, and those stories talked about real life situations that teenagers cope with. Is that a correct statement? (Wait for a response, ex. Yes, nod, and then continue. ) Well, I want to introduce a new term to you, which is the assumptive world. (Write the term on the board. Does anyone have any idea of what this means? And please think about the root word assume. Wait for a response and acknowledge answers. ) Introduce Concept of Loss of the Assumptive World. (Complete a graphic organizer with the class as you explain the concept. ) Well, first the assumptive world is every hope, dream, desire, and belief that you have for your life. It is simply how you believe your life should be now and in the future. It is the heart of what we believe those beliefs that keep us stable and working toward our goals. Now of course, these beliefs are influenced by what you learn and what you experience.For example, we assume each morning everyone will: Wake up. Take a shower. Get dressed. Eat breakfast. Go to school or work. But we never assume that we won't wake up. We never assume that we won't be able to get dressed by ourselves. We never assume that we won't be able to continue our daily routines. So, we assume that our assumptive world will not change. However, when our assumptive world does change, we use the term Loss of the Assumptive World to express these changes in how we think our world should be. Check for understanding. K. Please give me a thumbs-up if you understand the term Loss of the Assumptive World. Re-explain the term if you don't have a 100% of the students wowing of thumbs-up. ) Wonderful! (Be sure to praise students, get them motivated, and engaged by stating expressions of positive reinforcement. They respond well to your enthusiasm. ) Guided Practice/Modeling 2. Introduce the Health and Loss Packet (Mr.. Jones, the co-teacher will walk around and monitor student progress and the assistance as needed. During the 3rd class session, Mr.. Jones will lead students in their independent research on teenage losses. ) Now, today you will complete a group activity that deals with teenage losses. Mr..Jones is giving you your Health and Loss Packet for today. Oh, I believe that everyone now has their packet. Wonderful! Now, turn to page 1 of your packets and you will see the Assumptive World Graphic Organizer that I Just completed with you. Next, turn to page 2, which has the Tuck Everlasting Organizer. Let's review this together. After reviewing the organizer, tell the student to turn to page 4 in their packet, which is entitled Teenagers and Loss. Tell the students, â€Å"We will now complete this graphic organizer together. Fill in your organizer as I write the answers down. † (Use the computer to type the answers.Zoom in at 200 to enlarge the print for the students. Using the model provided, scaffold responses and record short answers for the students to copy. Print a copy of the completed graphic organizer for Alice. Make sure that you remind her to Just focus on the lesson and you her will give a typed copy later. ) Ask the students, â€Å"What other losses do teenagers experience today? Think about your personal lives, your friends, the characters in the Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul short stories, the characters in Bridge to Terrestrial novel, and Randy Pouch's story from his move The Last Lecture†.Call on students and list their responses on the graphic organizer. Student responses could include friends, home, parents, relatives, relationships, pets, safety, summer Jobs, favorite or special object, self-respect, self-esteem, and physical abilities). Encourage responses by relating a personal experience such as, â€Å"um†¦ In 6th grade I remember one of my teachers telling me that I would always be a poor reader. From that day on I believed this until my 7th grade teacher told me the she was very proud of my reading progress and to keep up the good work. Has anything like this ever happened to you? (Wait for students to respond. ) Compliment the students on their responses†¦ Ex . Great ideas!! Now, how do you feel when you experience a loss? For example, when my 6th grade teacher told me that I would always be a poor reader, I felt angry and sad. I wanted to just hide somewhere, but I was also mad because she destroyed my dream of going to college. So, tell me, what you felt or how you felt when you experienced a loss? Give the student a chance to respond. Type the emotions on the computer and display the answers for everyone to see. Possible answers might be: angry, sad, mad, hurt, lonely, afraid, scared, confused, depressed, and helpless. ) Encourage the students: These are very honest responses. I know that sometimes it is difficult to talk about loss, but thank you for doing such a fantastic Job. It is very important for each of us to express what we feel and how we feel. Today, you have been emotional champions, and I am very proud of you. Hopefully this experience has given you a way to express your emotions by calmly and truthfully saying how you feel and what you are thinking.Give me thumbs up how loss can impact you and why you need to express those feelings. Nice! (Be sure to check for a response from every student and validate their acknowledgement. ) Now we will begin our last activity, which is a roof activity. This activity is another way that you can express your feelings calmly and truthfully. Since you are already seated in your Group C areas, please turn your desk to form a circle. Also, we will vote on group awards at the end of this week. As a class, tell me what the awards are based on? (Students responses should be cooperation, participation, voice control (volume), task completion, and respect.And what are the prizes? (Students response should be free computer time or home work pass for each person). Wonderful! I am sure that this will be another challenging awards selection! Mr.. Jones, I believe that they are ready for their independent activity. Mrs.. Whey, I think they are burning with anticipation! Well, we have an exciting activity planned, so let's get started! It's time for Teen Talk! Independent Practice 3. Draft Letter to the editor (Glasswork). Last words to your best friend (Homework). Briefly review the direction with the students.Now let's review your Homework assignment first. Turn to page 11 and I will read the prompt and directions to you. Read the prompt: You and one of your parents are flying to Africa for a vacation. You have been dreaming about the trip for weeks. Suddenly, you hear the pilot's voice, â€Å"†¦ The plane is very low on fuel and we are making a crash landing†¦ † You stop listening and begin to wonder if you will die in the crash. You thoughts are racing and you frantically try to write a few lines to your best friend. In these final moments, what final words would you leave your best friend?What losses would run through your mind (dreams, plans, family, etc)? What words of wisdom or thoughts would you leave behind? How could your encourage your best friend to enjoy life without you? (Think about how Jess felt when Leslie died in Bridge to Terrestrial. What suggestion (s) would you give your friend to make sure that they express their feelings and emotions? Write a letter to your friend. Be sure to include answers to the questions stated above. You may write or type your letter. Now, the homework assignment is very similar to your group activity.Are there any questions about the homework? (Answer questions. ) Nice listening! You will need to take the Homework Sheet home to complete the assignment, so place this sheet in your backpack now. Please remember that the homework is an independent activity and this assignment is posted on our school web site. Alright teens, let's get move ND groove!†¦ On to the Groovy Group Work! Now, please turn to page 5 in your packet entitled Teens Talk: Loss, Relationships, and Life. Using the forms provided, you will write an informal letter to the editor about teen loss.You may use the graphic organizers that we completed today for this assignment. This is a group project and Recorder Number 3 will write the letter for the group. Other group members may use their packet to record notes or comments about the group discussion. As usual, each person must have at least one suggestion on their sheet that they presented to the group. Remember that this is Just a draft of your letter. You will have time to make changes/ corrections, and additions during our next class. Don't worry if you do not finish your letter today.You will have time to finish your draft and/or write your final copy tomorrow. Listen while I read the directions for this exercise. Write a letter to the editor about a loss, difficulty, or a crisis situation that teens experience today. Be sure to include how the teens feel and possible ways that others could help teens with these concerns. Use the key focus questions stated below to help you formulate or think of a response. Also, refer to your graphic organizers for Teen Loss and Tuck Everlasting. Remember, this is simply your opinion. They are no incorrect answers.This is your opportunity to state how you feel, what you think, and what you believe. Key Focus Question(s): (Reflect the objective (s). 1. Why do feelings and behaviors affect your relationships with other people? 2. What kinds of losses do teenagers experience? 3. How does the loss make you feel? How do you act? Losses? (How does your life change? ) 4 What happens as a result of these 5. How do teenagers cope with the losses tha t they experience? (What do you do or don't do? ) 6. Do adults recognize and understand the impact of teenage losses? 7. How can you express your emotions appropriately and comfortably?Now, let the talking and writing begin!! Check for Understanding: Ask the students if they have any questions. Answer questions. Instruct the students to begin the draft letter. Walk around the room and make sure that the students are on task and participating in the group activity. Closure: 1. Instruct the students to complete the Teenage Loss exit card that is in their packet. Question: What loss of your assumptive world has affected you the most and why? 2. Students will place the exit card and their packet in their Class EXIT Basket as they leave Time 5 min. The classroom.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Three kings quarry essays

Three kings quarry essays The extraction of scoria comprises machine excavation from the cliff face or floor of the quarry where scoria is also extracted and processed on that site. Excavated material is transported on the trucks to the processing plant located on the centre of the site. The raw product is produced into various grades of useful material through several stages of crushing, screening and handling by conveyors. The finished products are transported to the stockpiles on the site awaiting sale and transport off the site. Layers of irregular intrusions are hard basalt stone which are associated with scoria that requires techniques other than excavations to break down the hardness. To do this, techniques used include a variety of drilling, blasting with explosives and rock breaking which have all been used previously in the past. Once these have been reduced into manageable sizes, it is then processed in a way scoria is also processed, or sold in large pieces for incorporation projects such as coastal protection works. Output from the quarry varies according to demand. It follows the cyclic nature of the construction industry and the scale of projects involved. The weight to strength surface area vesicular structure and colour of the scorias varied unique properties, sees it being used, for domestic drainage, landscaping jobs, infrastructure projects and many more. The quarry output grew steadily with the development of the surrounding community and reached its present capacity in the 1950s. Mines returns and company records show that annual production has exceeded 200,000 tones, but that demand averages 160,000 to 180,000 tonnes per year. ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Relevant Cost And Revenues Irrelevant Cost Accounting Essay Essay Example

Relevant Cost And Revenues Irrelevant Cost Accounting Essay Essay Example Relevant Cost And Revenues Irrelevant Cost Accounting Essay Paper Relevant Cost And Revenues Irrelevant Cost Accounting Essay Paper Question 1: What are the cardinal functions which a strategic direction comptroller would set about in an administration such as Jessup? Note: All the values or costs which are used in illustrations are in lbs. KEY ROLES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTANT Detailed resolutions/ accounts which represent the cardinal function from the strategic direction accountant working in an organisation, such as Jessup Ltd is stated below: The chief end of the concern for the organisation is that to gain more and more net income and for the production position is to every bit much as increases the production in the limited or less resource. On the other manus the more nucleus concern aims are less cost of production and the use degree will be more. Some of the more fiscal individual wants 100 % profitableness and higher rate of return. ( Drury, 2001 ) LIFE-CYCLE Costing The life rhythm cost of the merchandise stress on the cost against the life rhythm of the merchandise finding whether the net income earned during the fabrication period will cover the cost incurred during the production phase, As demoing above the planning and design stage, the cost direction can good implemented here. ( Drury, 2009 ) MANAGEMENT S ACTIVITY-BASED TECHNIQUES ( ABC ) Activity based direction is a tool used for pull offing the activities of an organisation, by pull offing these activities the disbursals or cost can be managed for the long term. Knowing the activities of the organisation can give company a competitory border over others. It been used in three different phases: Identifying and analysing the major activities in an organisation. Delegating cost for each activity. For each activity, make up ones minding the cost driver. ( Drury, 2009 ) Target Costing It stress on pull offing the cost that has been decided during the planning and planing stage of the merchandise life rhythm. It s been used in four different stairss which have to be followed in the same order. 1st Measure: Deciding a mark monetary value for the merchandise, which the client may hold to pay. second Measure: For make up ones minding the mark cost, abruptly down the mark border of net income from the mark monetary value. 3rd Measure: Find out the true cost of the merchandise. fourth Measure: If the true cost exceeds the mark cost, so happen out ways to drop down the true cost to the mark cost. Accurate costing system is necessary to be implemented for mark costing. ( Drury, 2001 ) BUSINESS PROCESS RE-ENGINERRING ( BPR ) Business procedure re-engineering involves look intoing concern procedures and doing significant alterations to the present operating processs of the organisation. The construct is to redesign the work done. ( Drury, 2001 ) Cost OF QUALITY ( COQ ) : Cost of quality in today s universe becomes a higher demand of the companies, Company like Jessup should besides necessitate to place the quality of their merchandises or services, so that they can bring forth the merchandises as per the demand of client with the expected quality, this quality cheque requires a higher cost but it is a competitory border for the companies presents. Improvement in the quality are the major map and demand of the client, Jessup continuously need to place the rapid alterations in the demand of the clients. ( Drury, 2009 ) BENCHMARKING OF THE Company: It shows the outstanding patterns which are the function theoretical account for the organisation. It besides the quality if the merchandises in the define mode which is prescribed harmonizing to the criterions of the Torahs which is Implicated by the higher organic structures or harmonizing to the promises which they provide to the clients. ( Drury, 2009 ) JUST- IN -TIME ( JIT ) : The merely in clip plants for the flawlessness in each and every section of the organisation or concern, the chief intent is to cut down those activities which gives no value added to the merchandise, and to merchandise the goods from natural stuff into finished goods within the expected clip of the company without any defects. ( Lu, 1986 ) THE BALANCE SCORECARD AS A STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The end of the balance scorecard are beyond than doing a temporarily set of non-financial and fiscal statistics of public presentation. They are ensuing from the top to bottom process provided by the concern unit as per their schemes and missions. As per Norton and Kaplan How otherwise the organisation utilizing these scorecards to accomplish the procedure of critical direction is listed below: From the translating and illustrating purposes and schemes, it focuses on the strategic ends to analyse the criticalnesss. Each employee of the organisation should be communicated the strategic steps and programs, One the employee of the organisation able to understand, they need to work on those schemes and ends to run into their concern unit s overall scheme. Once the above two procedures are being accomplished there must be puting of marks, and be aftering to originate the particular ends which means gives them way for that specific end to be accomplished. These marks must non be exceeded than 1 twelvemonth so that the public presentation can be entree easy which is been made for accomplishing the long term marks. Enhancing the scheme for feedback and acquisition is the last procedure, so that things can be evaluate and proctor or may adjusted or changed if necessary. The attack of the scheme is for both, the clients and the internal procedures. ( Drury, 2009 ) ESTABILISHING GOALS AND PERFORMANCE STATISTICS As explained briefly above about the procedures of balanced scorecard, we can now believe about the procedures of set uping ends and public presentation stats in all the procedures of balanced scorecard. Capabilities of the employers Capabilities of the IS ( information system ) Authorization, alliance A ; motive CUSTOMER ACCOUNT PROFITIBILITY It is based on the life clip value of the client by the organisation which can be determined by the life-time possible gross of the client subtracting the life-time cost. It helps to make up ones mind the client life-time profitableness over the organization/customer relationship. ( Drucker, 1999 ) Decision Management comptroller plays critical function in any organisation so there is a great demand to hold got top direction comptroller in most of the organisation is consider being the accountant of the organisation. Goals of direction comptroller are to preparation of schemes, concern activities, programs, and studies including finance, revenue enhancement, audit and system support for effectual determinations which helps the organisations to accomplish its hereafter ends. Question 2: What is meant by the footings relevant and irrelevant costs and grosss in Strategic Management Accounting determination doing? Include several little numerical illustrations in your reply. In the procedure of determination devising, all the costs may non be relevant some may see as irrelevant. Relevant cost is really considered as future cost ; where from the experiences of past direction makes determination for the hereafter. RELEVANT COST AND REVENUES The entire difference between the cost of two options is known as a relevant cost, it is non necessary that a cost which is relevant for one undertaking is besides relevant for the other, relevant cost varies from instance to instance, in the accounting defined term, it is known as a cost which direction thinks most of import for their determination devising, its eliminates all other unneeded cost. The of import thing that has to be considered is that it needs to see qualitative factors as good and non merely quantitative factors. ( Drury, 2009 ) IRRELEVANT Cost As mentioned above, costs that are irrelevant in a peculiar state of affairs may be relevant for other, Sunk costs ; operating expenses are the best illustrations of this. ( Drury, 2009 ) In a procedure of determination devising, the cost and benefits of one option must be compared with the other options, so the relevant and irrelevant cost can be analyzed, analyzation is critical because of two ground. First, ignorance of irrelevant informations which saves the clip and attempt of the determination shaper and the 2nd is that bad determination can easy be identified Examples: If toilet is seeking to make up ones mind whether to travel to watch a film or lease a videotape, is this determination the rent of the flat where toilet lives is irrelevant because whether he travel to watch the film or rent it the rent of the flat has to be paid in both instances. However, to cost of the ticket of the film or the cost for leasing the film is relevant in this determination because it is evitable cost. An evitable cost can be clearly defined through this illustration as, it is a cost that can be eliminated in a whole or in portion, If John choose to watch the film so leasing the film is considered as evitable cost same as if John choose the rent the film so purchasing the ticket will be considered as evitable cost. Whereas the rent of the house is ineluctable cost in this determination because, in taking any of the options it has to be paid by John. Evitable costs are relevant and ineluctable costs are irrelevant costs. There are two broader classs of costs that neer considered as relevant cost. Sunk cost Future cost that do non differ among the options SUNK Cost Sunk cost are the cost that has been incurred in past and can non be changed for future determinations, it is ever the same no affair what type of determination has to be taken. Therefore, it is considered as irrelevant cost and needs to be ignored. ( Garrison A ; Noreen, 2002 ) Examples: Suppose a machine has been purchased in the yesteryear, the cost that has been incurred for the machine is a sunk cost because it has already been incurred and can non be changed that is the ground why it do nt necessitate to be considered in the devising of determination. Future Cost Future cost that do non differ among the options should besides be ignored during the determination devising procedure. It can be more clearly defined by the aid of the mentioned below illustration. Examples: Let s go on the illustration that has been mentioned above where John has to take between the options whether he travel to watch the film or rent it, Suppose John intend to order a Burger of his pick during the film no affair he is watching the film in theater or he rent it, the cost of that Burger will stay the same in both the options. For the determination of telling a Burger, the cost is irrelevant because it is a future cost that does non differ among the two options. OPPORTUNITY COST It is the cost of the trade good that one leaves for acquiring the 2nd 1 among the two different options. ( Garrison A ; Noreen, 2002 ) For Example: Item Quantity Amount Benefits Wheat 10,000 dozenss 20,000 100,000 people fulfil the day-to-day necessity Industries 1 unit 20,000 100 get employment Here we can see two different options available, we assume that a peculiar state holding two different options available, whatever the option the determination shaper will choose the other would be consider as the chance cost. INCREMENTAL AND MARGINAL COST Incremental cost and Marginal cost are the cost of difference between cost of the merchandise and the gross acquiring by the sale of merchandise for the corresponding points under each option being considered. ( Garrison A ; Noreen, 2002 ) Examples: The incremental cost of bring forthing or bring forthing an increasing end product of merchandise Angstrom from 2000 to 2200 units per month are the extra cost of bring forthing an extra units of 200 per month. Incremental cost may be or may non be included in fixed cost. If as a consequence of a alteration in the determination of an organisation fixed cost fluctuate so the addition in cost is represents an incremental cost. If there is no alteration in fixed cost so the incremental cost will be zero. Relevant cost and grosss are required or utile in some particular instances which are mentioned below: Decision for particular merchandising monetary value: These are one clip orders merely and they are below the current monetary value of the market. It exists both in short term and long term footing. It is non the portion of the on-going concern of the organisation. Product mix determinations when capacity restraints exist: It occurs in the confining factor and its purpose is to concentrate on those merchandise or services which give the highest return of net income within the confining factor. Decisions on replacing of equipment: It is based on the determination where the original value of the old machine, depreciation and it s written off value is considered as irrelevant. Outsourcing ( Make or purchase ) determinations: it is based on the analyzation to transport out on the activities from the value concatenation within the organisation instead than purchase it from the provider. Discontinuance determinations: It is based on the analyzation of those merchandises or services where the cost is higher than the gross ( which merchandise or serve the organisation demand to stop ) . Note: The illustrations of these particular surveies are available in appendices. Decision To place the evitable cost for a peculiar undertaking or determination which is therefore the relevant cost, a determination shaper should follow the mentioned below measure: Extinguish the benefits and the costs that differ between the two options, the irrelevant cost will be dwelling of a ) sunk cost and B ) hereafter cost that does non differ from the options. After placing and analysing these cost, the determination shaper will so necessitate to analyse the hereafter cost that differ between the two options in a determination, the cost that remain are differential and evitable costs. In the procedure of determination doing the qualitative factors needs to be consider instead than quantitative factors. Question 3: What are the benefits and jobs of presenting activity based bing into an administration such as Jessup? ACTIVITY BASE Costing ABC method has been in usage since the start of twentieth century. Activity Based Costing is the bing harmonizing to the activity. Equally far as Jessup Ltd is concern the board of manager should hold to see the execution of the activity base bing to accomplish organisation end. The stairss of implementing Activity Base Costing are as follows. 1st Measure: First measure is to place the activities which are the analysis of runing procedure of each section and each section consist of one or more activities required for the production of an end product. second Measure: Second measure is to delegating resource costs to activities and there are two costs which are assign to activities known as direct cost which straight concern with the current production for illustration the stuff cost ( nail, pigment, wood ) to built tabular array, indirect cost which are the cost who straight which can non allocated to a individual end product and benefit to one or more end products, and the last assignment cost is general and administrative costs which is non associated with any merchandise or service to offer, such cost remain the same no affair what end product the activity produced for illustration wages of disposal, depreciation on works and equipments. 3rd Measure: Third measure is the designation of the end product of the consequence of the production for which activity is performed and consumer resources. Output can be merchandise services or clients. fourth Measure: Fourth and the last measure is to delegate activity costs to end product by utilizing activities drivers which assign activity costs to outputs which are based on single end products ingestion or demand of activities which is being performed. ( Geoktuerk, 2005 ) COMPARING TRADITIONAL AND ABC SYSTEM TRADITIONAL System The traditional base system which is besides known as standard system is been in working from 75 old ages and a batch of companies still utilizing this for the intent of fiscal direction statements and many other direction intents. It has some advantages for the companies like it is simple to utilize, the employees are more familiar with this system and the consistence of this system. But in today s concern it is misdirecting the determination shapers for the fiscal intents. The ground for that is that it is non been made for the instance of concern in which it is being utilizing presents, It has been designed for the companies that has 1 ) homogenous merchandises, 2 ) Large direct cost comparing with the indirect cost, 3 ) limited informations to roll up. Whereas in today s concern 1 ) A big assortment of complex merchandise and services are required, 2 ) Increased operating expenses compared to direct labor, 3 ) overload of informations and 4 ) Well non merchandise cost that can im pact the true merchandise. ( Drury, 2008 ) ABC SYSTEM The ABC costing system has been introduced because of the inaccuracy and misleading of the traditional system, these mistakes are the most unwanted things for the companies because of the environment set by the rivals in the market. The ABC system provides the accurate information and now most preferred over the traditional system, it is adopted when the operating expenses are increasing as compared with the direct labor costs. The smaller mark cost that are built upon activities are steps through the ABC system, it gives more advantageous because it helps in simplifying the procedure of determination devising and it makes the construct of the determination shaper more clear and mark oriented. It besides helps the direction to mensurate the public presentation and scene of criterions which may assist the director to utilize the given information for the intent of comparing. ( Drury, 2008 ) The traditional system normally depends on the random division among the section whereas the ABC system merely looks at the peculiar cause and how it might impact the cost. The cost for the production and support Centre is being merged in traditional whereas it s been see separately in ABC system. Both systems are utilizing a two phase allotment procedure, in the first phase, the traditional system are more looking at the cost for sections whereas the ABC system considers the activities. In the 2nd phase, the traditional system considers merely few cost drivers like labor, stuff etc whereas the ABC system considers a big Numberss of cost drivers. ( Drury, 2009 ) Traditional BASE COSTING TWO STAGE ALLOCATION ABC COSTING TWO STAGE ALLOCATION FEATURES/ BENEFITS OF ABC SYSTEM There will be figure of cost Centres and drivers available as per the demand of the company or which company could pull off. Establish truth in the procedure of different bing with respects to the merchandise, production, end user of the merchandise. Better aid in the production to understand the operating expense cost which is assign to the production of the merchandise of service. Easy to grok. Easy to construe harmonizing to the activity. Supply the better allotment of different resources as they are used in different merchandise line. Play critical function to place the activities and through such system determination shapers can extinguish such activities which are a load or emphasis for the production of the organisation or for the concern. Plants efficaciously with the public presentation direction systems which are employed by the human resource section of the company. Allow organisation to implement bing schemes across another diagonal of the concern procedure. Aid in the procedure of benchmarking which is an of import portion of the quality control system. ( Geoktuerk,2005 ) , ( Drury, 2009 ) Problem Necessitate a great no of informations and the informations aggregation procedure for this system. Time consuming. Generate capital outgo. This system is supposed to be crystalline system which some director would non better. Requires a immense wealth to prolong this system. Traditional system is more familiar than this system and most of the directors prefer traditional system because of the same ground. The companies who already holding the traditional system may hold jobs to setup this system. It is like land of information where the image of the company can non be clearly seen. ( Geoktuerk,2005 ) , ( Drury, 2009 ) Decision The ABC system is less emphasize on direct cost and more on indirect cost, Company like Jessup which is a service oriented company does nt hold labour and material cost so more demand for ABC costing is required, where the company need be aftering to place and analyse the meaningful pricing because tendering a contract is holding a proper apprehension of cost so that the best competitory monetary value can be set, ABC costing is necessary in a competitory environment like Jessup have. Note: See appendices for the illustration of ABC costing.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Cultural Study Report Chinese Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Cultural Study Report Chinese - Essay Example Intergroup competition and attitudes toward immigrants and immigration: An instrumental model of group conflict. Journal of Social Issues, 54(4), 699-724. Florack, A,, Piontkowski, U., Bohman, A,, Balzer, T., & Perzig, S. (2003). Perceived intergroup threat and attitudes of host community members toward immigrant acculturation. Journal of Social Psychology, 143(5), 633-648. Gudykunst, W.B., & Matsumoto, Y. (1 996). Cross-cultural variability of communication in personal relationships. In W.B. Gudykunst, S. Ting-Toomey, and T. Nishida, (Eds.), Communication in personal relationships across cultures (pp. 19-56). Thousands Oaks, CA: Sage. Hinkle, S., & Brown, R. (1990). lntergroup comparisons and social identity: Some links and lacunae. In D. Abrams & M.A. Hogg (Eds.), Social identity theory: Constructive and critical advances (pp. 48-70). New York: Harvester/ Wheatsheaf. Hofstede, G. (1998). The cultural construction of gender. In G. Hofstede (Ed.), Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures: Crosscultural psychologyVo1. 3 (pp. 77-105). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1998b). Comparative studies of sexual behavior: Sex as achievement or as relationship In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures: Cross-cultural psychology Vol. 3 (pp. 153-1 78). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1 998c). Religion, masculinity and sex. In G. ... Hofstede, G. (1983). National cultures revisited. Behavior Science Research, 18(4), 285-305. Hofstede, G. (1996). Gender stereotypes and partner preferences of Asian women in masculine and feminine cultures. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 27(5), 533-546. Hofstede, G. (1998). The cultural construction of gender. In G. Hofstede (Ed.), Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures: Crosscultural psychologyVo1. 3 (pp. 77-105). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1998b). Comparative studies of sexual behavior: Sex as achievement or as relationship In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures: Cross-cultural psychology Vol. 3 (pp. 153-1 78). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. (1 998c). Religion, masculinity and sex. In G. Hofstede (Ed.) Masculinity and femininity: The taboo dimension of national cultures: Crosscultural psychology Vol. 3 (pp. 192-209). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE. Hofstede, G. H. (2001). Culture's consequences: Comparing values, behaviors, institutions and organizations across nations (2nd ed). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hofstede, G. (2002). The pitfalls of cross-national survey research: A reply to the article by Spector et al. on the psychometric properties of the Hofstede Values Survey Module 1994. Applied Psychology: An International Review, Special Issue: Challenges of applied psychology for the 3rd Millennium, 51(1), 170-173. Triandis, H. C., Bontempo, R., Villareal, M.J., Asai, M., & Lucca, N. (1988). Individualism and collectivism: Cross-cultural perspectives on self-ingroup relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 54, 323-338. Triandis, H. C., Leung, K., Villareal, V.M., & Clark, F.L. (1985). Allocentric versus idiocentric tendencies:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Roles and responsibilities of community health Essay

Roles and responsibilities of community health - Essay Example Employers should therefore pay people enough money so that the issue of money is off the table. . Autonym involves one being allowed to do something in their own way as long as they produce good results. The urge for better understanding of skills motivates a person to work harder. Extra ordinary conditions are often brought about by having a purpose to achieve a certain goal and hence making people have purpose for something is much more important than monetary motivation. Ken Robinson argues that the current system of education has failed in creating creativity among the students. He indicates that academic inflation is being caused by people not giving value to whatever they study which he terms as ‘shifting beneath or feet. Schools have turned into institutes of constructing hypothetical careers rather than skills that one can measure. He observes that in the recent days people are studying various careers but fail to apply them in life and become completely different people. Ken believes that children have innovative capacity and talents that are squandered ruthlessly by schools. The education system has focused on more on science and humanities leaving behind art that is a subject that exercises the child’s creativity. According to me his hypothesis is very true, and most of our talents fade away with time. While in primary school I was an excellent in painting but when as my level of education goes higher, attention has shifted to science and thus my little talent has faded away. No teacher has motivated me on making a career out of painting and even my parents focus more on me having a different career rather than in my talent. Digitization of the world has led to changes in the academic sector some of which include softcopy notes and virtual schooling. One can attend classes at the comfort of their homes that are convenient to many people. Virtual schooling gives people a