Monday, December 23, 2019

Tackling Environmental Problems Today Is More Difficult

With the world forever changing politicians are chosen by the populace to make decisions based on the needs of the people. Current political gridlock in this nation has made it extremely difficult to pass legislation pertain to the economy, workforce and health. While these items are discussed daily by political pundits one issue that equally important is usually placed on the backburner due to political posturing the health of the planet. â€Å"Tackling environmental problems today is more difficult because the nature of the problems has changed: where such problems were once primarily scientific and technocratic in nature, they are now almost exclusively problems of politics†. (Turin) This posturing has become a major issue for society and could lead to dire consequences in the future. It is time for us to come together and address the issues of political influence, in order for us to have a meaningful conversation we must discussion the influence of special interest groups, understand how politicians manipulate and use false authority to push agendas and also discover the importance of citizen involvement. Lobbyists for special interest are hired to attempt â€Å"to try to convince congressional committee members to act in their favor on issues that were important to them†. (Wright, 45) This tactic is used on the state, local and federal levels of government, while not all lobbyist fight for causes that maybe harmful to the environment. Some special interest groups are designedShow MoreRelatedNuclear Power in Australia’s Energy Future Essays1099 Words   |  5 Pagesenergy generation. This subject is largely controversial as it has many pros and cons. 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