Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Great Development Of Science And People s Interest

Due to the great development of science and people’s interest in astronomy,â€Å"Einstein’s general theory of relativity allows for the possibility that we could warp space-time so much that you could go off in a rocket and return before you set out† (Hawking). The access to internet allowed many people to gain huge amount of information and knowledge easily, including astronomy. Because of IT development, many people gain knowledge and found interest in the most mystical place, the space. Nowadays, movies about space and time traveling are consistently made into a hit film. For example, the movie â€Å"Interstellar† by Christopher Nolan, became famous for realistic science-fiction throughout the world. In the movie, it shows about Wormholes, Einstein s Theory, how gravity changes time and the success of time-travel and space-travel. The knowledge and interest of time-traveling is becoming the world interest and the time-traveling can be explained through study of general information, possible breakthroughs and the effect it will bring to society. The general information can be divided to history and Einstein’s theory of relativity. To know about the time travel, first you have to know about Einstein’s theory of relativity. The theory contains lot of information about space, time, mass, energy and gravity. One of them is â€Å"the closer you get to the speed of light the slower time moves for you in comparison to someone that is not moving at all† (Einstein), and it has been proved to beShow MoreRelatedThe Chinese Communist Revolution Was A Negative Impact On The Political And Economic Development Of China1393 Words   |  6 PagesThe Chinese Communist Revolution had a negative impact on the political and economic development of China. It also had a positive and negative impact on the social development in China. 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