Thursday, May 21, 2020

Theory And Approach Leading Design - 825 Words

Theory or Approach Leading Design In early childhood settings, theorist play a critical role in the developing and implementing the programs’ philosophy. Our program integrates theories of development on how children learn by designing the environment and makes it meaningful to the child. Our approach to learning derives from early childhood theorist that include, Piaget, Dewey, and Erikson. These theorists allow us to develop an understanding on the importance of providing learning opportunities for children, where children can processes learning with rich experiences in their environment. Piaget Piaget’s work is evident today where children are provided with opportunities to explore, manipulate materials, and make sense of their environment (Crain, p.121). Teachers are constantly providing age appropriate experiences for children of all ages that stimulate learning and growth. As a result, children are continuously assimilating, accommodating and organizing information and at the same time, constructing knowledge based on the experiences they encounter. For example, a child might be playing in the sand table, using a brush to clean the sand on fossils. Based on observation, a teacher can notice the child is engaged in brushing the sand. A teacher can then use this as an opportune moment to ask open-ended questions to see what the child knows about fossils and the tools used by scientist, By doing so, the teacher is able to assess what the child knows, thenShow MoreRelatedWhat Makes A Research For Software Engineering?1241 Words   |  5 Pagessome of the bette r research strategies for research in software engineering in her paper titled, â€Å"What makes good research in software engineering?† By formalizing what is already considered as high quality research, software engineers can better design research processes, aide them in writing quality research papers and also help them read and better understand software engineering research papers. Shaw puts forth the hypothesis that research in software engineering should be characterized byRead MoreInstructional Design1072 Words   |  5 PagesInstructional Design Paper: Dick, Carey and Gagne The art of instructional design takes a unique gift. 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